Tutorial: Running SPEEDY.f90 Atmospheric General Circulation Model

Step 1: Initialization

Begin by navigating to the SPEEDY.f90 directory using the command cd $MODEL/speedy.f90. Verify if the speedy executable exists in the /usr/bin/soft/speedy.f90/bin directory. If found, it indicates that the model is built and ready for execution. In such a case, return to the main SPEEDY.f90 directory by running cd ...


Step 2: Configuration

Open the namelist file to configure the model settings. The namelist file typically specifies runtime parameters such as the simulation duration. By default, the model is set to run for 10 days. You can adjust the simulation start date within the range of January 1, 1979, to December 1, 2013. After making the necessary adjustments, save the changes and exit the file.


Step 3: Execution

Execute the model by running the run.sh script in the terminal using the command bash run.sh. The simulation will commence, and completion will be indicated shortly.



Step 4: Output Analysis

Upon completion, a new directory named rundir will be created, containing all output data generated during the simulation. Navigate to the rundir directory (cd rundir) and list the files using the ls command. You will observe both the output files and input files represented as symbolic links. As the output files are typically in netCDF format, we refer to our previous tutorial on handling such files for further analysis.
