Abdullah Al Fahad, Ph.D.
Climate Physicist at NASA GSFC

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 33, Room H111, 8800 Greenbelt Rd
Greenbelt, MD 20771
My passion lies in working with numerical models and Atmospheric Physics, specifically utilizing programming tools to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns. I possess a keen interest in researching large-scale atmospheric circulation, as well as exploring seasonal to decadal variations in large-scale atmospheric properties, and investigating the climate's response to external factors such as anthropogenic and natural sources. In Fall 2020, I graduated with a Ph.D. in Climate Dynamics from George Mason University, and in December 2020, I joined NASA GSFC at the Global Modeling and Assimilation office.
My Current research at NASA includes: Air-Sea-Ice interaction, Climate model development, High resolution climate modeling, Annual to decadal climate prediction. My current project at Goddard focuses on developing and analyzing a novel prototype, property-conserving, ocean-ice-atmosphere model, and data assimilation system based on the Goddard Earth Observing System Model (GEOS) in conjunction with the adjoint-model capabilities of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm). The resulting data assimilation system and an inferred solution will be used to study inter-annual to decadal prediction and predictability in the coupled system.
Tools I use/used in my research-
Models: GEOS, MITgcm, CESM, WRF.
Programming Language: Python, MATLAB, R, NCL, GrADS, Latex, C, bash scripting.
Machine Learning: Scikit-learn, Deep Learning, Keras, Tensorflow, RNN (LSTM, GRU), kNN.
Email: afahadabdullah@gmail.com; a.fahad@nasa.gov
Invited to Co-Lead WCRP CMIP7 Data Analysis Young Scientist group
New publication is selected for featuring on NASA Science HQ & NASA NCCS website: "The Role of Tropical Easterly Jet on the Bay of Bengal’s Tropical Cyclones: Observed Climatology and Future Projection. J. Climate, 36, 5825–5840, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0804.1"
Selected for Early Career Scientist Spotlight at NASA GSFC: https://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/600/ECSS/Abdullah-al-Fahad.html
Promoted as Assistant Research Scientist in NASA GSFC.
Attended AMS 2023. https://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/news/2023/ams_2023.php
Attended NASA ECCO meeting, 2023. Caltech, Pasadena, California. https://ecco-group.org/images/ecco_annual_mtg23_group_thm.jpg
Attended NASA GEOS-MITgcm group meeting on adjoint seasonal to decadal climate prediction at Boston/Cambridge, MA.
NASA earth observatory explores recent anticyclone in the Southern Hemisphere high latitude. My explanation is quoted in the article.
Publication of our group work in GRL: "Local Air-Sea Interactions at Ocean Mesoscale and Submesoscale in a Western Boundary Current".
We have a new publication on the mechanism of summer monsoon precipitation. "The role of local topography and sea surface temperature on summer monsoon precipitation over Bangladesh and northeast India". International Journal of Climatology. (2021)
Successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis from George Mason University in Climate Dynamics. Thanks to my advisor Dr. Natalie Burls.